

We are pleased to launch our new Healthcare online platform.

At Aon, we shape decisions for the better – to protect and enrich the lives of people around the world.

We have pleasure in sharing Aon’s online platform which has been developed to provide you with the clarity and confidence to make better decisions regarding your medical aid requirements. The microsite gives you instant and convenience access to essential information about medical schemes options to assist you in addressing your health and financial wellness needs.

Content available on the microsite includes:

Documents and Forms:

  • New member joining application form Application form for new members
  • New member joining as part of an employer group Application form for new members joining as part of employer group
  • Options change forms
  • Addition of dependent forms
  • Benefit and rates one pagers
  • Full benefit brochures


  • Medical scheme year-end flash alert
  • Medical scheme year end member letter


  • Video guidance on what to consider when selecting your option
  • Year-end Medical Scheme Launch Highlights
  • Medical scheme induction video
  • Medical scheme option specific training
  • Year-End training

It’s all about Aon providing you with choice, whether you wish to navigate pertinent information via the microsite or wish to chat to an Aon Consultant regarding your medical insurance needs.

Our Aon Consultants are available for virtual appointments, telephonic assistance, and onsite presentations on request. Should your employer allow onsite visits, your HR team will communicate with you - allocating venues, dates, and times. Whilst we are still in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, we encourage you to continue practicing social distancing and adhering to COVID-19 guidelines to stop the spread of the Corona Virus.

Our role is to ensure that you receive the information and advice you need, whether it be at the time of applying for cover, changes during the year and specifically at the end of the year where we focus on annual medical scheme and gap cover changes for the following year. In addition, we protect the rights of members by adhering to the Medical Scheme Act 131 of 1998 and scheme rules in attempting to resolve disputes with the medical schemes on behalf of the members, and we assist with disputes in respect of Gap cover claims.